Summer sum up…

Ahh, those saddest of words… summer is over. And so it is, for the most part. Tomorrow will find me at work again, beginning another year as a teacher.

So, has the summer been a success? Yes and no.

On the plus side:

Family visited with.

Bathroom redone.

Boys birthdays celebrated with slumber parties and checked off before school began.

Garden grew well.

New pond built and very much enjoyed.

Books read.

Sewing done.

Things made for church festival this Dec.

House cleaned.

Back to school supplies procured.

Exercise taken and enjoyed.

Time spent with boys.

Enjoyed swimming in our pond.

Enjoyed getting together with friends.

Enjoyed watching the Olympics

On the regret side:

No traveling or camping for me this summer…

Weeds still in some flower beds

Would have liked to spend more time in pond, sewing, with boys, knitting, getting projects done, visiting with friends.. the list is so much longer than the minutes available.

No weight lost…but I do think it has moved around a bit.

Freezer full of berries and tomato sauce but not of prepared meals so weekday cooking is easier.. just too hot lately to make a bunch of casseroles.

Spent so much time preparing lessons.. which will hopefully make the year go easier, but still….

Still have not managed to get my haircut.

The thing I need to remember, is that life does not end because work begins again. I need to carve out time for myself, and for gardening and family and so forth all year long. There are certainly seasons where that is easier, both throughout the year, and in terms of a long life. With three boys, 2 of whom are now teens, the balance is shifting. Their activities keep us going, but less time is spent with them, in contrast to when they were very small, and we were their all. In those days, I longed for an afternoon to myself. Now, when they are all gone fishing and mowing others lawns,etc… I have that long afternoon, and wish they were around!

So there are seasons to life, just as there are seasons to the year, and it is my hope to really try to live in and enjoy the season I am in presently, and not always be wishing myself forward, or wanting to go back. That is my hope and goal for the new school year.

So, the new season in my life:

  • Son in High school. I am sure this will bring interesting challenges and hopefully proud moments as well.. but I am looking forward to enjoying the boy turning into a man over the course of the next four years, helping him find his direction and dreams as he prepares to go out into the world.
  • Son in middle school. He will be facing new and different challenges as well… and encouraging his interests as he begins to expand into teen hood should bring forward plenty of lovely chats and shared time walking/running and exploring local natural areas.
  • Youngest son. He is continuing down his learning to read journey, and it will be fun to watch him expand his abilities.
  • My own 40+ body needs more care than previous. I hope to continue with the walking and exercise from this summer, enjoying the return of flexibility and strength that I lost over the past year of “recovery” from my big surgery last August. And finding a new level of health over all.. care of skin and hair and feet and so forth. Finding the time to take care of me so I can last long enough to get my to do list done!

And the new season of the year:

  • A new group of students to educate… hoping to reach them all, and have a successful fall semester. Challenged with a new course, hoping to make that a success.
  • Get the garden tidied and put to bed as fall really arrives.
  • Get my Cardigan finished before the snow flies (HA HA, since we have had several snowless years, lol)
  • Continue to try and balance my domestic duties with teaching.

So, some last day of summer vacation ponderings.

Off to enjoy the rest of the day!

2 thoughts on “Summer sum up…

  1. I’m glad that you were able to fit so much in to your summer, but I understand how that is never enough. We, as mothers, try to do it all, and be it all, and we are too hard on ourselves. I am undergoing a real test this weekend, trying to walk by dishes in the sink, and laundry accumulating in the basket, knowing that my family is taking care of things. Their timing is different from mine, but that is okay.

    Thank you so much for your well wishes. My family was amused at the thought of a hysterversary, when I mentioned we should all get together again at this time next year. I had a laparoscopic procedure, which has left me with just three little scars, but it has definitely taken the wind out of me!

    Hope your first day of school goes well.

  2. I like your thoughts about the seasons of life. My girls are also getting older. My 40+ body has given me a run for my money this summer. I always look at the fall as a time for new beginnings….but then again, I’m not a teacher which I know is so all-encompassing. Best wishes as you dive back into a new year.

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