Finishing projects

A while ago, I made some posh pillowcases, using this tutorial Posh Pillowcases   Easy basic sewing, which produces a very fun pillowcase. And the tutorial then proceeds to show you how to add a crocheted edge – also very nice and easy crochet.

This summer, I finally dug them out of my WIP bin, and added the crochet edge to all 8 of them. Now, I am no longer storing them in the wire project bins in my sewing room, but can actually put them in rotation on my bed. And there is something yummy about using them on my bed. I just adore laying my head down for a rest on my own handmade with love pillowcases.

Here is a photo of some of them – I used different edgings than the ones in the tutorial, just for fun. And I am showing the front and back of the pillowcases here so you can see the combinations of fabrics that were used for the inner pocket and outer case. I love that pocket feature because the pillows no longer fall out of their cases.

So. Much. Fun. to mark these off my to-do list and enjoy them.

New knitting….

I have so many UFO’s I need to be dealing with… and the start of a new semester and 3 boys and, and, and… it doesn’t seem like I should be starting something new.

But friends of ours have been on a long quest to have a baby – a long quest, that turned to adoption, and has seen almost babies… but nothing going through all the way. Until now. They got the call they were selected, went to meet the mother, said yes, she went into early labor and boom.. instant parenthood and a NICU baby.

All is well – baby is now in her new home. But any new child needs something made with love to surround him or her, and I wanted to send something to them.




I love vintage baby knits. This project is ravelled here.  The pattern is a vintage pattern made available here, at Vintage Purls.

As I said, I love vintage things… would love to have lots of pillowcases with this lovely knit edging, linked here.

This is a small vest and little pants to go with it. I love how the yarn knits up in this cute pattern. Should be a nice thing to keep a tiny baby warm. Need to get it mailed soon!