Finishing projects

A while ago, I made some posh pillowcases, using this tutorial Posh Pillowcases   Easy basic sewing, which produces a very fun pillowcase. And the tutorial then proceeds to show you how to add a crocheted edge – also very nice and easy crochet.

This summer, I finally dug them out of my WIP bin, and added the crochet edge to all 8 of them. Now, I am no longer storing them in the wire project bins in my sewing room, but can actually put them in rotation on my bed. And there is something yummy about using them on my bed. I just adore laying my head down for a rest on my own handmade with love pillowcases.

Here is a photo of some of them – I used different edgings than the ones in the tutorial, just for fun. And I am showing the front and back of the pillowcases here so you can see the combinations of fabrics that were used for the inner pocket and outer case. I love that pocket feature because the pillows no longer fall out of their cases.

So. Much. Fun. to mark these off my to-do list and enjoy them.

Summer days drawing to close

  • Attended a week long professional development session concerning the new Common Core curriculum. Unpaid, during my “vacation”, trying to better myself.
  • Attended the Moral Monday for Education to protest a state government that seems determined to undermine education. Here are some links if you are interested:  or or

  • Back to school shopping on last tax free weekend for NC. Saving $7 on every $100 doesn’t mean much to some, but when buying shoes and clothes and school supplies times 3 boys, it is helpful. So we gather a list all summer and take advantage of sales and tax free on that first weekend in August.



  • Some knitting – down to the sleeves on my Moonshine sweater.

P1100930Raveled here.

Here is the crowd of baby owl gifts. Each one a bit different.
Here is the crowd of baby owl gifts. Each one a bit different.
The back side is minky fabric, and I put a little owl pocket on it with the flannel scraps.
The back side is minky fabric, and I put a little owl pocket on it with the flannel scraps.


Each face was created with some wool felt leftover from my Waldorf mom crafting days.
Each face was created with some wool felt leftover from my Waldorf mom crafting days.
Because I was using scraps, each face is a bit different. And I like them all.
Because I was using scraps, each face is a bit different. And I like them all.
I am including some plastic links with each one.
I am including some plastic links with each one.
I used a satiny ribbon and a grosgrain ribbon for different textures - and quadrupled stitched the loops hoping they will hold up to use.
I used a satiny ribbon and a grosgrain ribbon for different textures – and quadrupled stitched the loops hoping they will hold up to use.
These are flannel, batting and minky - nothing crinkly. But hopefully the new babies will find them snuggly, and the new moms will find them a useful distraction for restless babes.
These are flannel, batting and minky – nothing crinkly. But hopefully the new babies will find them snuggly, and the new moms will find them a useful distraction for restless babes.
  • PT continues for my frozen shoulder. I am getting a bigger range of motion, but progress is so slow, and working at it takes so much time, and always leaves my arm sore and aching. Ugggh.

Next week I do more curriculum writing, have a son turning 20 and a son turning 17. The following week the youngest son starts school, I return to work, we celebrate our 23rd anniversary, and by the 26th we are all back in school. So blogging returns to its intermittent posting.







Another finished quilt project

Once again, I cannot believe how long it takes me to finish things up. During the school year, there is only room for work, and housework, and boy activities…. and precious little other time. I started this table runner in Jan 2012. It has been hanging over a door and folded up in a box since then, needing quilting and binding. You can see the beginnings of it here:

P1100174I love the wonky stripes. I chose to play with my machine and tried a different machine quilting pattern in each stripe. Considering I did no practice, and am a total newbie, I was very pleased with the results. Yes, the stitches have varying lengths and the patterns show I wasn’t completely used to how to make it flow – but I jumped right in and now have a fun springy quilted table runner.


I chose the colors to go with the crazy green wall color of my kitchen. The light we get in the kitchen is so perfect for this green at all times of day and in all seasons. I just love this green.

P1100179The runner matches some ‘mug rugs’ I made.

P1100173I had bought some binder clips a while back, and finally tried them out. I really liked using them, although at least one immediately sprang apart and had to be thrown away. Hopefully the others will hold up better, as I can see myself using these frequently.

P1100177You might be able to see some of the patterns I tried. In the solid sections, I played with designs – flowers, ferns, etc. In the polka dot sections I tried to play off the circles – some more successfully than others.



P1100172And here are some views of the back side.



P1100169Probably the biggest issue at this point is keeping all the layers together and smooth to prevent bunching as I move the piece about under my machine. I did no basting on this – of any kind – and it shows. It is in the washing machine as I type, so hopefully the bunching will disappear a bit as the layers do their thing with the batting. Not that it matters terribly for this project – as the back isn’t really going to be seen.

All in all, a pretty good first attempt!






Simple sewing….

Leftover fabric + A need for toilet roll storage in the guest bathroom + pinterest = 



Small ties to tie it to the toilet roll holder…

P1100147Slip in a couple of spare rolls….

P1100145-001Voila – a quick and easy way to make some storage…

Here is the original inspiration that I had pinned on Pinterest: